Cornerstone Church Long Beach

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The Authority of the Son


Cole Baker, Jr. High Minister

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Today’s Reading: Luke 20:1-8

In Luke 20:1-8 we see a pivotal moment in the ministry of Jesus. Following Jesus’ miraculous healings, cleansing of the temple, and teaching of His salvation, the religious elite of the time demand of Him: “Tell us by what authority you do these things, or who it is that gave you this authority.” The motivation for their asking comes purely from a desire for power and money! They are convinced that Jesus is an obstacle for their desire of political power, financial gain, and authority in the temple. Before Jesus is willing to answer their question, He shares that He has a question of His own: “…was the baptism of John (the Baptist) from heaven or from man?” Instead of the religious elite trapping Jesus in their question, Jesus turns the question back on them. The authority of Jesus rests in whether the baptism of John the Baptist was from heaven or man. If John’s baptism is from heaven, the authority of Jesus is from heaven. If from man, the authority of Jesus is from man. If the religious elite admit that the baptism of John is from heaven, they will be saying that they believe in what Jesus is teaching. If they say that the baptism of John was from man, they will be disagreeing with the teachings of Jesus, and risk being stoned or persecuted by the crowd around them.

So why is a passage like this important for us to ponder as we approach Easter? Because the authority of Jesus is important! What we see here in Luke 20 is Jesus claiming to be the son of God and that the authority He possesses is given to Him from heaven. The authority of Jesus only goes so far as He is submitted to the will of the Father in heaven. This reality is displayed in Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. If Jesus did not follow the law perfectly, would He have the authority of heaven? No. He would be no greater than man. Ponder these verses for a moment…

The Son can do nothing of his own accord, but only what he sees the father doing. For whatever the father does, the son does likewise. (John 5:19)

I do nothing on my own authority but speak just as the Father taught me. (John 8:28)

In Luke 22:42 Jesus prays for the Father to spare Him from suffering, yet if it is the Father’s will for Him to die, He will be obedient. If Jesus was not obedient to the point of His death on the cross, would He have the authority of heaven? No. He would have been disobeying the Father. Lastly, Jesus rose from the grave conquering sin and death. Yet, whose authority was it that raised Him from the grave? The Father’s authority in heaven. Again, the authority of Jesus only goes so far as He is submitted to the will of the Father in heaven. Jesus is the Word of God, the one who perfectly expresses the will of the Father, and the one who displays the Lordship of God in unwavering obedience to Him. This is why we listen to His voice, remember Him in communion, and ultimately why His death on the cross is meaningful to us sinners. We as believers can look forward to a day in redemptive history where we will see every knee bow and tongue confess to the authority of Jesus Christ.

Questions/Thoughts for Reflection:

1. What about Jesus going to the cross displays His authority to the world?

2. Jesus did what Adam could not (perfect obedience to the Father). Based on His life, death, and resurrection we know that Jesus’ authority comes from Heaven. What ways have you fallen short in honoring His authority in your life?

3. After processing these things think about how it is these transgressions against God that made His sacrifice on the cross necessary. It is our individual sin that has put Jesus on the cross.

4. Read Philippians 2:9-11. Look forward to the day when this is our reality. Spend time giving glory and honor to the Father!

Cole Baker, Jr. High Minister