Cornerstone Church Long Beach

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Trusting God with Your Children

Faith Under Fire // Genesis 22:1-18; Hebrews 11:17-19

From the sermon series, "Faith Under Fire" Parenting children well and then letting them go is one of life's most important challenges. How can parents let go and entrust their children to God?
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By Dr. Jerry Rueb

Living by faith is not for cowards. The robust life that God calls us to live requires us to trust Him no matter what our feelings might dictate, what circumstances might change or what enemies might threaten us. Trusting God in the face of fiery trials produces wonderful benefits that can be seen through the lives of Bible characters. It was not easy for Bible heroes to trust God, but their faith was proved genuine as they were put through the furnace of trials. Everyone has trials and suffering and everyone has a choice of how they will face them. Suffering is not an option but misery is a choice.