Cornerstone Church Cornerstone Church

Safety through Service

We all respond to crises differently. For Carmen Bullard, Covid-19 was a call to action! Carmen, a Cornerstone member, was actively listening to the Holy Spirit and seeking ways to lend a helping hand when she heard the Mayor of New York City asking sewers to help make hospital masks. Instead of changing the channel, Carmen decided to let God move. She began contacting local hospitals and medical centers throughout LA County, asking if they needed face masks. Long Beach Medical Center responded with excitement and shared the requirements volunteers could follow to sew masks at home and donate them to the hospital.

Excited to get started, Carmen searched for materials. With a great deal of perseverance and a bit of hunting, she discovered a manufacturing company in Los Angeles that was able to provide more than 400 yards of elastic, allowing her to make 1,500 masks. She also set up an online forum to connect with her neighbors.

According to Carmen, “God pointed me immediately to the source I needed and we were able to distribute them to many of the women sewing.”

A team of 12 neighbors are now serving the Lord and the Long Beach Medical Center by sewing and donating hospital masks. Want to lend a hand? Contact to get more information.

“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.” Hebrews 10:24

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Cornerstone Church Cornerstone Church

Message on the Sidewalk

I wanted to share this bright side story with you about amazing Christian woman, Peg Knopf, who is serving on the front lines in this war against an invisible enemy.In the top left photo, she is setting up an intake tent at the emergency entrance of St Francis hospital, where she works as an ER nurse. On her days off this week, she wrote bible verses on the sidewalk in her neighborhood to encourage and lift up anyone who walks by with these scriptures from Romans 12 “Cling to what is joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer” and from Isaiah 43 “When you go through deep waters, I will be with you.”

She is my hero!–Dorothy Wineman

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Cornerstone Church Cornerstone Church

Family Meals Together

Casey’s work picked up speed a year ago which, while great professionally, has been very difficult on our family. I think he’s had dinner with us maybe only a dozen times since last May. He has been trying to slow the roller coaster and I have been praying for the same. For months it seems like someone has always been sick and our church attendance has not been what I had hoped. The absence of family and spiritual time has been weighing us down. This is not how we saw change coming but the Lord definitely works all things for good. Two weeks of not just dinners together but breakfast and lunch as well! This is us watching Jerry’s sermon last Sunday over dinner. Thank you to Jerry and the whole staff for making the online hub so easy and accessible. It is just as spiritually fulfilling as if we were in the building. Love you all to pieces!” – Casey and Kami Carpenter

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