Building relationships and emphasizing
God's Word at all levels

VBS 2025
SAVE THE DATE - JULY 14-18, 2025
Leadership Team
Our Purpose:
To teach, guide and equip children attending Cornerstone Church, praying that one day each child will personally accept and believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
To encourage each child to become deeply rooted in their personal relationship with God the Father, God the Son & God the Holy Spirit through worship, knowledge and service.
Richard Bannister
Children’s Minister
Jackie Espinoza
Administrative Assistant
Liz Tate
Children’s Ministry Director
Kids Church Classes are available for children during our Saturday night service at 6:00 PM and both Sunday morning services, 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM.
All of our Kids Church services have the focus of passing on Jesus’ love to each baby and toddler. There is a monthly curriculum that follows a theme/lesson that is carried out as they are cared for.
Preschool-5th Grade
All Cornerstone Kids (CCKids) services have a traditional Sunday School format, emphasizing the teaching of God’s Word and building a relationship with God and others as they talk about their lesson for the day in fun and creative ways.
All children birth through 5th Grade attending Cornerstone Kids begin their check-in process at the Children’s Ministry Welcome Counter.
We have an automated check-in system where every child, regular attenders & visitors alike, need to have a completed Cornerstone Kids Registration Form on file. This form will give us your contact information, your children’s information – including any allergies, and who else (if any) may pick up your children other than you.
For security purposes; on your first visit your child(ren) will receive handwritten nametags with a random claim code that will match the parent’s/guardian’s claim ticket.
Upon your next visit, your child will be assigned to their appropriate age/grade level class and you will be able to use the automated check-in which will print out nametags and claim tickets with matching code.
Should you need any assistance with our check-in process, someone from our Welcome Team will be happy to assist you.
Babies & Toddlers – Go to the Nursery counter and present your Claim Receipt and Pager to the Nursery Volunteer. Claim Receipt number must match the number on the child’s name tag and you must also return the pager before a child is released. (Should your Claim Receipt be lost, be prepared to show your picture ID with matching information on your child’s Registration Form - even if you are someone well known to the volunteer).
Preschoolers thru 5th Grade – Go to your child’s classroom and present your Claim Receipt and tell them your child’s name. The classroom volunteer will compare your Claim Receipt number to the number on your child’s name tag. If you have more than one child, keep your Claim Receipt to show to the other classroom(s). (Should your Claim Receipt be lost, be prepared to show your picture ID with matching information on your child’s Registration Form - even if you are someone well known to the volunteer).
The Children’s Ministries Leadership Team meets the second Monday of every month to discuss events and details happening within the Kids’ Ministries at Cornerstone Church.
Children’s Minister – Richard Bannister
Kids Church Representative – Lynn Fischer
AWANA Representative – Jackie Espinoza
Childcare Plus Coordinator – Liz Tate
HOPPER Coordinator– Rose Albanese
Kids Church Craft Team Coordinator– Lynn Perkins
Church Oversight Elder – Ray Brady
We encourage our children to be cheerful givers.
2 Corinthians 9:6-7 “The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
We teach our older elementary children the concept of a tithe - a tenth part of something, given as a voluntary gift. When you get your allowance, you have the opportunity to willingly & joyfully give back to God one-tenth of whatever you get. (If you get a dime, a tenth is a penny…If you get a dollar, a tenth is a dime…and so on)
We teach our younger children the concept of an offering - anything you give Him, just because you love Him. It is not something you have to give; it’s something you give because you want to.
We can NEVER out give God – it’s all His anyway! What a JOY it is to give a small portion back to Him!
We offer Communion every 4th Sunday of the month in the 2nd – 5th Grade classrooms.
Communion is open to all children who have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.
Parents: Please assist us in recognizing your child’s readiness for taking Communion by going over the statement below so they will truly understand the importance of this practice we follow as believers.
Who should participate in communion?
From Scripture, we can understand that only believers, those who have accepted Christ as their Lord & Savior, are to share in the Lord’s Supper.
The Lord’s Supper should be done in a spirit of careful thought & remembrance of Jesus’ death.
As the bread & the cup are about to be taken, this is an excellent time to remember all that our Lord has done for us.
Use this quiet time to remember to praise Him, confess your sins, repent & thank Him for His forgiveness.
Also use this time to think on all that Jesus has done for you because of His great love for you.
(I Corinthians 11:28 “A man ought to examine himself before he eats of the bread & drinks of the cup”)
Background Checks
Our Volunteer Staff in Children’s Ministries is dedicated and committed to serving the Lord by serving the children He brings to us at Cornerstone. Each volunteer working anywhere within Children’s Ministries must have a background check form on file at the church in accordance with Cornerstone Church policy. We require fingerprinting on all adults 18 and older working with our children which is done through California’s Department of Justice.
Each Volunteer is identified by wearing a Cornerstone Kids lanyard with a badge stating their name and with their photo attached. We want our children to be safe, and our parents to feel that their child is safe, cared for and loved.
To pick up a copy of the Cornerstone Church Volunteer Backgrounds Check Policy, stop by the church office or contact Children’s Ministries.
For further questions regarding our Backgrounds Check Policy, please contact our Children’s Administrative Assistant, Jackie Espinoza at 562-296-6487 or email to

“Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” Mark 10:14b

Join us at one of our Weekend Services:
BIBLE POINT: God’s family grows in hard times
LESSON: The Church Meets Opposition
SCRIPTURE REFERENCE: Acts 4:1-31; 5:17-41
MEMORY VERSE: Ephesians 2:20-21
“…built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone, in who the whole structure, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord.”

AWANA 2024/2025
September 4, 2024 -May 21, 2025
AWANA runs on Wednesday nights
with breaks for various holidays
Mark Your Calendars!
Register Here
AWANA (Approved Workman Are Not Ashamed) Ministry
is our midweek ministry for kids at Cornerstone Church for children ages 2 yrs through 5th grade
Dues: $50 for the year (pay online or cash/check made out to Cornerstone Church)
To register go to:
For more information, email or visit our private AWANA Facebook page.
AWANA - Current Overview
• Registration fee remains $50/child (this covers all curriculum/uniforms/awards/miscellaneous expenses for the year
• All registered children will receive a shirt or vest and a manual. Children are responsible for completing their weekly lesson and learning their verse PRIOR to coming to or joining club.
• Theme Nights, AWANA Bucks and more are part of AWANA at Cornerstone Church
• There is a Cornerstone Kids AWANA private Facebook page set up to encourage fun engagement between families and the volunteer team.
• Club is on Wednesdays beginning at 6:30pm & ending at 8:00pm (kids may come as early as 6:20pm to check in).
Truth & Training : 3rd thru 5th grade
Sparks: Kindergarten thru 2nd grade
Cubbies: Preschool (3 yr olds-4 or 5 yr olds) *must be potty trained
Puggles: 2 years old (& those who turn 3 after 9/1)
*Memorize Bible Verses* Meet New Friends*Exciting Games*Challenging Contests *Goals to Achieve*Awards* & more!
Each week, more than 3.7 million children and youth, 470,000 volunteers and 260 field staff take part in AWANA in over 47,000 churches around the world. Offered through local churches, AWANA reaches kids where they’re at and walks alongside them in their faith journey. It was founded in 1950 and has stood strong over the decades. The core focus of keeping God’s Word at the center as well as scripture memorization, building relationships through Jesus’ love and lots of fun is a natural fit with Cornerstone Kids.
For more info on the history of AWANA & to view what can go on at a night in AWANA, go to their website at

Classes & Special Events
Just For Kids
Are you looking for some Godly-based resources for children via the computer, iPad, or iPhone? Check out these links to find games, devotions, coloring activities, Bible stories and more.
(Kids, be sure to check with your parents first before visiting these or other sites)
Check out this song & more from Jana Alayra on YouTube