Freedom from Death
Over the last four days we've looked at the freedom we have in Christ from Fear, Guilt & Shame, Anger & Bitterness, and Sin. So today on Good Friday, it's only fitting that we conclude by looking to the Scriptures for the promise of Freedom from Death. Christ's death translates to our freedom, and it is for freedom that Christ has set us free (Gal 5:1).
Freedom from Sin
Brothers and Sisters, God judged our sins in the sinless humanity of his Son, who bore them in our place. We are free from sin if we are in Christ Jesus. We can live a holy life now! Watch today's devotional from our college and young adults minister, Christian Running, and be encouraged!
Freedom from Anger & Bitterness
Pastor David here, behind this big mug. Why don't you just hit pause on your day for just a few minutes and open up God's word with me and see how His work on the cross set us free from Anger and Bitterness.
Freedom from Guilt & Shame
Today, we'll reflect on the freedom from guilt and shame we have, if we are in Christ. Women's minister, Grace James wants to point you to some scriptural truths this morning on the topic, as you continue to consider His work on the cross for us, this Holy Week.
Freedom from Fear
On this first day of devotions for Holy Week, let's take a look at a foundational truth of our faith. Jesus sets us free from fear. Come hear what the Apostle John writes on the topic and be encouraged.