Baptism Class for Kids
Our next 2-part class on baptism is being offered at Cornerstone Church on Sunday mornings, September 28 and October 5 from 9:00 am - 10:00 am
Kids who wish to be baptized need to attend both classes before participating in the actual baptism at Cornerstone Church on Sunday, October 19 at 2:00 pm
For more information, email or call Children’s Ministries (562) 296-6487
Baptism for Kids… Identifying yourself as a Believer
* God forgives our sins through our faith in Christ’s death for us. “For it is by grace you have been saved through faith- and this not from yourselves, it is a free gift of God – not by works, so that no one can boast.” Ephesians 2:8 & 9
* Water baptism is a picture. Jesus knew that physical pictures would help us understand and remember spiritual truths and experiences. We call these symbols Ordinances. An ordinance is a physical act that represents a spiritual truth. Baptism is an ordinance. It is a picture of a believer who is dying (under the water) to his old life and rising (coming up out of the water) to a new life with Christ (see Romans 6:3-4). The “washing away sin” is symbolized through baptism. We are to identify with Christ’s death and resurrection through the obedient act of baptism. Baptism is meant to show the world that we are now a part of God’s family and we trust Jesus as our Lord and Savior. (Communion is also an ordinance)
*Let’s understand what Jesus says about the importance of baptism. In Matthew 28:19, Jesus tells us to “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”
*Baptism identifies you as a Believer in Christ. In Matthew 10:32, Jesus said, “Whoever acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge him before my Father in heaven.”
How old does a child have to be to be baptized?
There is not a set age that someone must be to be baptized in the Bible.
When is a child ready to be baptized:
They have already accepted Christ as their Lord
They want to be baptized in obedience to Jesus’ command and follow His example symbolizing His death, burial & resurrection.
They can publically profess, in their own words, Who Jesus is/what He means to them, what He did for them at the cross, knowing that after He died He was buried and rose again and knowing that He’s preparing a place in heaven for those who have accepted Him as Lord.
Their ability to explain what baptism is without help
Indications that a child should wait to be baptized: (for example)
They have never accepted Christ
They are doing it to please another individual or out of guilt
They cannot explain why they want to get baptized
“This is the age my mom or dad was baptized, so they said this was the age they wanted me to get baptized.”
“My brother/sister are doing it”
“Baptism (itself ) washes away my sin”
“I want to do it because my best friend is doing it.”
“It looks fun to do”
“they told me at church I was supposed to”
Again, the most important thing is that the child has asked Christ to be their forever Savior. They should understand the message of salvation:
That we were separated from God, the Sovereign Creator of all, holy, loving and true.
We were separated because of sin (anything that we do, think or say that displeases God. i.e. lying, bad attitudes, stealing). Holiness (God’s very nature of Who He is) cannot associate with sin.
BUT, God provided an answer to the sin problem: He sent His perfect One and Only Son Jesus to take our punishment for sin (“The wages of sin is death” Romans 3:23).
He died on the cross, rose again and now lives in heaven.
God has given this free gift of eternal life to anyone who would like to receive what Christ did at the cross for them. If a child has prayed to receive Christ as their Lord and Savior and is ready to take the next step in their personal walk with Jesus, we have a 2-part class on baptism that was designed especially for kids 1st through 5th grades. For children Kindergarten or younger, we have designed a different format to discuss what baptism is about at a younger level.
A booklet is given to each child and gone through during the class, making sure that each child understands what it means to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and what Christ says about being baptized.