Be the Person God Meant You to Be


Victorious Living in a Dangerous Disappearing World // 2 Peter 1:5-9





By Dr. Jerry Rueb

For followers of Jesus, living in this present world is like a sailing a tiny boat to Paradise through troubled seas.  Hurricane force winds of false teachers and their false doctrines threaten to blow you off course.  Strong undercurrents of godless culture surround you tempting to pull you under the angry tide. In the middle of your messy voyage you receive a letter from the apostle Peter who is a veteran at spiritual survival. The brave old fisher of men reminds you that your journey is preplanned by God to be filled with adventure and holy purpose that will build your character.  He warns you of the dangerous people you will encounter and he gives advance insight into the coming disastrous end of this present world. Then he fills his letter with hope and victory when he tells you that God has already guaranteed your safe arrival in heaven. The book of 2 Peter is truly a wayfarer’s map to Victorious Living in a Dangerous Disappearing World!  Bon voyage!

Jerry Rueb

Dr. Jerry Rueb is the Lead Pastor of Cornerstone Church, Long Beach.

God has blessed Jerry’s visionary leadership, biblical preaching, energetic shepherding and the trusted reputation to successfully lead churches in Littleton, Colorado, Santa Cruz, California, Vancouver, Canada and Long Beach, California. As the founding pastor of Cornerstone Church, Jerry began with eight couples in a spiritually-resistant area near one of the largest college campuses in America. Within ten years the congregation grew and quickly became known for its commitment to world missions and creatively ministering to the local community. Jerry is a persuasive preacher who speaks honestly and powerfully from God’s Word each weekend.

As an author, conference speaker, college lecturer, church growth consultant, world mission advocate and educator, Jerry’s leadership gifts have been recognized and applied in places like Biola University where he is a trustee, the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada’s International Mission Task Force, Missions Fest, Regent College Canada, trustee, lecturer, Capernwray Bible School, and African Bible College in Uganda. Jerry is married to Sue, a professional educator, author and President of Brain Rehabilitation And Injury Network (, a national non-profit organization to provide research, recovery and residual care to brain injured adults.

Jerry and Sue are parents of three grown children and they reside in Huntington Beach, California where Jerry enjoys cycling, golf and beach sports. Jerry’s passions are to love the Lord Jesus Christ, to serve God by equipping believers, to persuade believers to answer God’s unique call on their lives and to prepare his church to declare the good news of the gospel to the entire world.


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