The Expression of Community


Surviving the Wilderness // Acts 2:42-47

Pastor Randy Jones preaching. -- We can know that believers are God's family on earth, but how do we express and embrace community among ourselves and to the world?




By Dr. Jerry Rueb

Life is not a smooth path through a garden; it is more like a dangerous journey through the desert. Along the way you will experience trials that will test your endurance. And you will face obstacles that threaten to weaken your faith in God and in yourself. You either learn life lessons or you will repeat the same mistakes and remain locked in the wilderness. The Old Testament book of Numbers is the historic saga of how Israel wandered for years in the desert facing the prospects of survival or death. The spiritual lessons they learned there will help you face the trying times of your life with the surprising resources God offers to all who call on Him in faith.

Randy Jones

Randy Jones is an Assistant Pastor and serves in two primary areas: overseeing the administrative departments of Cornerstone as well as helping shepherd the young families in the church.  Randy arrived at Cornerstone in May of 2012 with over 20 years of experience in church and para-church ministries.


He graduated from Talbot School of Theology in 2000 with a MA in Philosophy of Religion and Ethics, and has a passion for making biblical truths clear and understandable to people.  Randy’s wife Ivy has gifts in administration and service and has helped Randy significantly in developing his pastoral abilities.


They love to spend time together as well as stay in close touch with their two young adult sons, Michael and Robbie.


The Price of Not Listening


The Call to Community