Every Christian a Minister


The Everlasting Kingdom of God // 1 Peter 2:9-10

Special Collection, 2013 All Christians are part of the royal priesthood. That means they and their jobs are just as important in God's economy as pastors and missionaries.




By Dr. Jerry Rueb

Jesus taught His disciples to pray, “your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” While the Lord’s Prayer is very familiar to most Christians, there is wide confusion about what Jesus meant by “the kingdom.” Is the kingdom of God just another title for heaven with no relevancy for today? Is the kingdom of God a movement of Christians engaged in political change through social justice? Is the kingdom of God exclusively spiritual and internal? Is there a connection between the gospel of Jesus Christ and the kingdom of God? Is there a future fulfillment when God’s kingdom will come to earth? This sermon series, The Everlasting Kingdom of God, will help you get through the maze of misinterpretations and questions without getting hopelessly lost. The Bible reveals everything you need to understand our glorious King, His everlasting kingdom and how you fit into it.

Randy Jones

Randy Jones is an Assistant Pastor and serves in two primary areas: overseeing the administrative departments of Cornerstone as well as helping shepherd the young families in the church.  Randy arrived at Cornerstone in May of 2012 with over 20 years of experience in church and para-church ministries.


He graduated from Talbot School of Theology in 2000 with a MA in Philosophy of Religion and Ethics, and has a passion for making biblical truths clear and understandable to people.  Randy’s wife Ivy has gifts in administration and service and has helped Randy significantly in developing his pastoral abilities.


They love to spend time together as well as stay in close touch with their two young adult sons, Michael and Robbie.


The Greatest Force for Good


The Eternal Throne of God