If Thoughts Can Kill


Why is Sharing My Faith So Hard? // Matthew 5:21-26

James Shin preaching -- Jesus had some strong words about the importance of reconciliation in our lives.




By Dr. Jerry Rueb

Just before He ascended back to heaven, Jesus commanded His followers to “make disciples of all nations” by being His “witnesses.” According to Jesus, a prerequisite to making disciples is “going into all the world.” Given Christ’s clear instructions, it would seem that every Christian should be motivated to obey Him by going and by sharing their faith with unbelievers. However, a Gallop Poll suggests that only about half of evangelical Christians even try to encourage someone to believe in Jesus Christ. Why are Christians who know better so reluctant to share the good news of Jesus Christ with those who need to hear it? Some answers can be found in the Old Testament book of Jonah, which chronicles the life of a prodigal prophet. Jonah’s experience is a paradigm for 21st century Christians.


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