Clean Communication


SERIES:  Sermon on the Mount
PASSAGE:   Matthew 5:33-37


Sermon Introduction:  Today there is an urgent shortage of truth. These are serious days. Never before in history have people had so much access to information coming from books, social media, newspapers and television at such a huge volume—Like drinking from a fire hydrant. But there is also a pervasive indifference to truth-telling, and this has not only infected day-to-day conversation but the most solemn pledges of life. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus exposes our tendency to break the ninth commandment: You shall not bear false witness. 



Jerry Rueb

Dr. Jerry Rueb is the Lead Pastor of Cornerstone Church, Long Beach.

God has blessed Jerry’s visionary leadership, biblical preaching, energetic shepherding and the trusted reputation to successfully lead churches in Littleton, Colorado, Santa Cruz, California, Vancouver, Canada and Long Beach, California. As the founding pastor of Cornerstone Church, Jerry began with eight couples in a spiritually-resistant area near one of the largest college campuses in America. Within ten years the congregation grew and quickly became known for its commitment to world missions and creatively ministering to the local community. Jerry is a persuasive preacher who speaks honestly and powerfully from God’s Word each weekend.

As an author, conference speaker, college lecturer, church growth consultant, world mission advocate and educator, Jerry’s leadership gifts have been recognized and applied in places like Biola University where he is a trustee, the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada’s International Mission Task Force, Missions Fest, Regent College Canada, trustee, lecturer, Capernwray Bible School, and African Bible College in Uganda. Jerry is married to Sue, a professional educator, author and President of Brain Rehabilitation And Injury Network (, a national non-profit organization to provide research, recovery and residual care to brain injured adults.

Jerry and Sue are parents of three grown children and they reside in Huntington Beach, California where Jerry enjoys cycling, golf and beach sports. Jerry’s passions are to love the Lord Jesus Christ, to serve God by equipping believers, to persuade believers to answer God’s unique call on their lives and to prepare his church to declare the good news of the gospel to the entire world.


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