☎️ (562) 296-6490
Richard, or “Mr. B.” as the children call him, has been attending Cornerstone Church since the summer of 2016. It was upon walking into the church with his wife, Nalani, and seeing the church transformed into that year’s VBS theme that they knew they had found a new church home. He immediately began volunteering in the Children’s Ministry (even taking vacation time in order to serve in the annual VBS over the next few years), and was invited to join the Children’s Ministry Staff Team in January, 2021.
With a varied background in education, children’s ministry, hospitality, and the performing arts, Richard thoroughly enjoys all aspects of ministry and has the desire to go to extraordinary lengths to serve our Lord Jesus Christ by blessing the children and families of Cornerstone Church. Honored to work alongside an amazing team of staff and volunteers, Richard thrives on seeing children engaged in their walk with the Lord through worship and the teaching of God’s Word.
Together with Nalani, Richard enjoys dining out, traveling, gardening, and seeing live theatre and music performances. Being full-time grandparents also brings a tremendous amount of joy and youth-full inspiration to both of their lives.