We have several women’s home studies that meet on a weekly basis. Below are groups with open spaces to join. Even if the classes have already begun, you are welcome to join in!!

If you have questions or want to join, please contact

Susan Koenig at 714-209-7771 (susankoenig@sbcglobal.net)

Vicki Kwan at 714-220-8031(vickimkwan@hotmail.com)

Daytime Studies

Ongoing Study Join Anytime

February 10 - August 28

Moments with the Savior | Bi-weekly Mondays | Home in Cypress

11:00 am- 1:30 pm | led by Vicki Kwan

Do you long for a deeper, more intimate relationship with Jesus, but don’t know where to begin?  If so, embark in this journey with other sisters in Christ as we take a deeper dive into various encounters with Jesus.  Using the framework of the devotional book, Moments with the Savior (author: Ken Gire), we will read, reflect and respond to gospel passages to better understand the character and nature of Jesus.  By digging deeper and lingering longer, you will discover what it means to meditate on the Word of God and experience the richness of living in His grace.  This study is open to join at anytime!

September 11th-May 21st

Study of the Book of Psalms | Wednesday Mornings | Bev’s Home

9:00-11:00 am | led by Bev Gilbert

Verse by verse study. Discover the heart of God through both the valleys and the mountaintops. This study is open to join at any time.

September 18th-June 11th

30 Life Principles to Live by: Charles Stanley | Wednesday Mornings | CCLB Classroom B

9:30-11:30 am | led by Rita Wignall

God has provided the perfect pattern for you to enjoy life at its very best through the countless principles found in His Word. Come and explore 30 of them with us. Book and video series. This study is open to join at anytime!

Home Studies Facilitators

Vicki Kwan

WOmen’s Home Bible Studies Leader

Vicki and her husband Calvin have been attending Cornerstone Church since 2019.  As college sweethearts, they have been married for over 40 years and have three adult children and a daughter-in-law.  Besides leading a Monday morning Bible study in her home, Vicki is also on the church’s visitation team and ministers to the homeless in Long Beach through Christian Outreach in Action.  Although she loves to read, travel, and cheer on her favorite college football team, her passion is meditating on the Word of God and encouraging others to grow in their faith.

Susan Koenig

WOmen’s Home Bible Studies Assistant

Susan and her husband, Tom, have been attending Cornerstone regularly since 2011. They have been married for 26 years, share a son, and have resided in Cypress for 22 years. Susan currently leads the Visitation Ministry and feels blessed to be able to encourage and minister to those that are suffering. Susan is the administrator for the home Bible study she has been attending for the past twelve years and will often plan outings for the group. She recognizes the importance of being a part of a home Bible study to dig into God’s Word, ponder on it and have meaningful discussion around it. She enjoys traveling, reading, cooking, and firearms training.
