Women in the Word is a large group, broken down into tables of 10 with two leaders at each table. We use video lectures, additional live lectures, and discussion questions. Our leaders, Chris Neal & Elizabeth Krusic will lecture and lead the discussion groups after the videos.
In-Person Study: We offer these classes at Cornerstone Church in the MP 1-3 Room.
All are welcome to join anytime!
Classes for all women
Join Us for Women in the Word
Winter/Spring 2025 Bible Study!
Starting January 14th & 15th, Women in the Word will be exploring the book of Romans,
This enriching study is available on
Tuesday evenings at 6:30 PM or Wednesday mornings at 9:45 AM.
If you’re new to Women in the Word, please click the Newcomer
Registration link below to enroll in this Winter/Spring series.
Cost $20 for Winter/Spring Materials
Servant Teaching Leader
Chris Neal is our servant teaching leader with over 40 years of teaching experience. She feels called to teach God’s Word from an application perspective and to help a dozen women she mentors apply it in their lives. She is supported by a team of 20 table leaders who also make up the leadership team. Chris and her husband, Dennis, are charter members of Cornerstone Church and have been here since “day 1.” Both are also involved in local and global missions, “Leaving Kingdom Footprints.”
Elizabeth Krusic and her husband, Ryan, were married in 2009. They reside in Seal Beach and enjoy spending time with their three children. Elizabeth is passionate about encouraging women in their relationship with God. She believes that by studying the Bible together, women can experience hope, peace, direction, understanding, security, and answers to life's biggest questions.